


Hiring Process

In the video you’ll receive the answers to the following questions:

  • (0:04) Can you tell me now that you’re an employee, what was your favorite part of the hiring process?
  • (1:48) What point did you know this was the job for me?
  • (2:55) Can you tell me what was your impression of the hiring?
  • (4:28) How does the interview process here at virtual partner advantage differ from the one you had in the past?


Kat:  00:00     

All right, Beth, can you tell me now that you’re an employee, what was your favorite part of the hiring process?

Beth:  00:05  

It was definitely when I met with the value team and Michelle asked me to a, well, she had each individual member of the value team describe a recent project they were working on. So as we went around the room and each team member described a project or um challenge, they had recently faced, Michelle asked me to ask them a lot of questions about that process and try to drill down into that process. Uh, it was different because I wasn’t asked why should I hire you, things like that. I was actually able to interact with the team and think for myself and, and show them about the experience I had in those situations.

Jamie: 00:48   

My favorite part of the process was when you guys dissected my resume, um, anybody can put anything on their resume, but the fact that you guys went into so much detail, um, it really made me felt like I was being held accountable for what was on there.

Ashley: 01:04  

My favorite part of the process was getting to know you guys as y’all were getting to know me. Y’All really explained the culture and what was going on inside this office and how, how it flows and um, it got me really excited to work here.

Kat:  01:21    

We know it’s the right person when they’ve completed an extensive process and they’re still enthusiastic and excited at the end of it and ready to go to work because we do have high standards for people that work here. We work hard, but we play hard too. We’re a family and I think that throughout the process these individuals can see that every step of the way. Okay. So at what point did you know this was the job for me?

Jamie: 01:51   

I knew that after I watched the Wasmer Culture video that this was the job for me because the culture here, it was very warming and heartfelt. Um, I knew that I could see myself working here.

Ashley: 02:04    

I mean, you have that, these ideas, whenever you’re told something and you’re like, oh, maybe they’re just kind of building it up and we’ll see how it turns out, but it’s amazing. Like I was willing to lay my first month here with how everything, every little detail of your work life is really highlighted and if you’re filling behind on anything, everyone reassures you and there’s so much fun that we have here. Everything’s relaxed and it’s just a very enjoyable place to work.

Kat:  02:35       

Some of the interview questions that we asked could seem daunting or ridiculous, but they are strategically placed to identify A-players and that’s what we’re looking for and that’s what this process is designed to weed out all Bs and Cs and D players. We’re looking for A-players, so can you tell me what was your impression of the hiring?

Beth: 03:00     

It was very professional, very planned and strategic. I could tell the company really wanted to do two things. One, make sure that they wanted to bring me on as a longterm employee. They were really invested in it for a longterm process and also to ensure the opposite that I wanted to be working for the company long term as well.

Ashley:  03:26   

I was very impressed with the hiring process from start to finish. I’ve never been through something so thorough and structured, um, and I felt like I, it was good for me to go through all my history, my work history, and I’m really explained why I deserved to work here. I sold myself just as much as the company was sold to me. I really felt like that was different, very different than any other interview. Most of the time when you go through an interview, you still don’t know what the job’s going to be for you, but here it was a really well explained throughout the interview process of what I could expect if I were to get hired and I felt like that was very impressive.

Kat: 04:10      

So the process that we’ve implemented ensures that we hire the right people because we conveyed to them our core values, what makes our company, our company. We want to spend time with these individuals to understand if the core values resignate with them just as much as in our company and that’s how we find  A-players. That’s how we find the right people to work for our company. How does the interview process here at virtual partner advantage differ from the one you had in the past?

Jamie: 04:38    

It differs from the ones that I’ve had from the past, because the amount of time that was put into each of the interviews, it really makes you thankful because they did take that time with you and the resources that were used was very impressive. For me.

Ashley: 04:54    

The interview process was much different than I’ve had in the past. It was much more thorough and in depth. They really. Y’All really looked into my highs and lows in my career and really dug in and I felt like I had to bare my soul by the end of the interview process. I felt like y’all probably knew me better than most people in my life.

Kat:  05:19  

We are still looking for A-players. You’ve heard it for me. You’ve heard about the hiring process, you’ve heard about our wonderful culture here. If you feel like you have what it takes, please go to our website and apply.

Visit vpadvantage.com to learn more!

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